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Corporate Anniversary Pins, Years Service Pins  and Volunteer Pins

Written by Craig Davidiuk | 8/15/18 5:53 PM


It’s important to mark milestones in any organization. Showcasing anniversaries is a great way to add credibility to your brand or company.

People tend to trust older and more established vendors or suppliers. Donors will look favorably on a non-profit that has been serving its customers for a long time. Municipal anniversaries are often cause for a much larger and community-based celebration.

Let’s delve into the finer points of this unique type of custom lapel pin.


Corporate Anniversary Pins: Understated Metal Finish Or Full Colour?


Custom anniversary pins are treated a bit differently than milestone or years service pins in two ways.

First, you need to add a number to your existing logo. It's sometimes a bit tricky to incorporate it in a way that looks natural. Working with an expert pin supplier is essential because they will know which pin process is suitable for your logo.

Sometimes changing your logo to add the anniversary violates corporate branding guidelines. If in doubt, ask your employer if they have a graphic standards manual and supply that to your pin supplier of choice.

Typically you need to showcase the milestone, be it a span of years or simply the number of years you have been around. Adding this number to a pin design requires some forethought and planning.  We have a couple tips when designing anniversary pins. Be sure to check them out at the end of this article.


Examples Of Corporate Anniversary Pins


Design wise, it might be worth considering an understated metal finish instead of a full colour version of your logo. This differentiates this pin from a typical branding or advertising exercise. We also feel that metal finish pins have more of a “jewelry” feel and a higher perceived value.



Sample Design For A Company Award Pin Program




When To Start

In our opinion, any business that has made it to the fifth year deserves a pat on the back and a custom pin! People usually wait another five years before celebrating an anniversary.



How Many To Order

We advise keeping your first order in the 500pc range. This spreads the set up costs over a larger number of pins. It’s not unusual for set up costs to range from $60-200 depending on the size and complexity of your pins. The flip side is that if you do order a smaller number and run out, it only takes a couple weeks to get a new order. It all depends on the size of your company or organization.


Graphic Designer Tips For Custom Anniversary Pins

TIP 1: If you are going with the long form of your anniversary, consider using UPPERCASE lettering and a bit of spacing. For you graphic designers out there, use 80 or higher in the “tracking” settings.

TIP 2: If you are using the year only, we suggest using raised metal and no colour. We feel it increases the legibility and prestige.

TIP 3: Watch Our Enamel Pin Designer Master Class

TIP 4: Let Us Do The Art For FREE. Designing for pins takes years to master. You need to know how to scale pins property and how to effectively use electroplating techniques. 



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